Six Months Down

We try not to post twice in a day, but today is a special one. Iva is Six Months old, so it seemed appropriate for a quick recap and throwback.

This is where it all began:

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Then we met family, and friends:

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We started very small, and grew quickly:

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We met family from far, far away:

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And went on lots of adventures:

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We celebrated new holidays:

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We even learned how to be a banana!


We weren’t always happy…


…but walks with Grandpa seem to help…


…or we were just tired.


We weren’t too sure about solid food…


…or Yoda, for that matter..


One thing we can be sure of, however, is that Iva almost equally represents a happy, mob-boss, batman.

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And that’s the way we like her.

Happy half-birthday, squishy-bear, from momblob and dadblob. Here is to many, many more half-years together.