First Wedding Attended

This might seem a bit like grasping at straws, but it is a legit first.

Momblob’s friend (one of Momblob’s brother’s best friends) got married today, and not only was it the first wedding that Iva attended, it was the first wedding that Momblob or Dadblob had attended without involvement of any kind — at least the first in a very long time.

It was very nice — a very short ceremony, enough for a processional, some vows, rings, and pronouncement. The reception was fun, except we hadn’t considered the need to eat without some way to tie Iva down for organizational purposes. We keep having this problem, one day we’ll learn the lesson.

Iva had, however, skipped a nap. She was worn out by the time the reception was really getting going and melted down quickly.

There was some brief fun dancing near the end, but we had to retire so she could fall asleep on the ride home.

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