First Time Meeting Nana and Grandad

Nana and Grandad and Uncle Jonathan come from a place that is very far away. It would take Iva approximately 8 bottles, 10 diapers and 20 sleeps (including all the wake-ups because it was too hot, or too cold, or something loud happened) to get there, and just as many coming back.

It’s also really expensive. Crash said his contacts in Doglandia would help, but that’s all.

Anyway, they came to see me, and Brother Crashy, and Momblob and Dadblob. They apparently hadn’t seen Momblob or Dadblob for years, but I don’t know what those are yet – it must be a really really really long time.

Anyway, we had fun. Jonathan was afraid of me, and then he played, and then on the very last day he held me. We had good times.

Over the next few weeks, we are going to share some of the things that they did while they were here. Some of them I was there for, some of them I was in daycare and dadblob took them places for me.