
Mom was admitted to the hospital late on June 24th after regular contractions had begun earlier that evening. Nurse Danielle was very kind, and after several hours of monitoring, we were sent home to wait a little longer.

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Induction had been scheduled for the 26th, so if contractions didn’t get stronger then we had an end in sight.

Through the night, Mom had progressively stronger contractions and contacted her Gyno’s office for a check. After the doctor couldn’t be found, we were sent to be admitted again and this time stayed, starting the 25th of June. Mom’s family also arrived to provide moral support and a welcome distraction.


Contractions continued, and on the 26th Mom and Dad had a video call with friends Ethan and Melissa (who will likely feature here again!), who were in Richmond preparing for the birth of their second child. They were doing well, and everyone was happy! Iva, however, would begin exhibiting problems during labor..